Customer Functionality
The customer section is one of the core components of Clientl and allows you to keep track of your customer's information, projects, invoices, and files all in one location.
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The customer section is one of the core components of Clientl and allows you to keep track of your customer's information, projects, invoices, and files all in one location.
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When you click on the customer button in the main menu, you will be presented with a table that shows all of your customers by default. The customer list is in alphabetical order by last name to help you in easily finding your customers.
When you have selected 'All Customers', you can scroll down infinitely to see more customers and as you scroll down more customers will be loaded to the table. This allows you to easily scroll through all of your customers without changing pages or reloading data on each page.
Another option that you have to filter your list is to add favorite customers. You can do this by opening any customers full profile and clicking the favorite button at the top. Doing this will allow you to quickly and easily find repeat customers or any customer that you may deal with often rather than searching for them each time that you speak with them.
The archive is a holding spot for customers that you no longer want to see in your full customer list. Customers that are archived will no longer show in either the full customer list or the favorite customers list. There could be many reasons why you may archive a customer, including, but not limited to:
a customer is no longer using your service
you have not heard from or seen the customer in a long time period
you accidentally created a duplicate customer
you made a mistake when creating the customer's profile (nearly all of the mistakes that you could make when creating a customer can be corrected by editing the customer's profile)
Clientl has a powerful built in search engine that will allow you to search for a customer by any part of their name or a partial name. For instance, you could find the customer Jonathan Smith by typing in John, Johnathan, Smith, etc. As soon as you finish typing the list of customers will automatically refresh and show you the customers that match your search terms.
Additionally, the search engine ranks the results based on your search term. If there are exact matches, those will be shown at the top and similar matches will be shown further down. If a customer matches at least three of the letters of any word of your search term, those results will be displayed, but will be further down in the list.
When using the search, this is one of the only times that the customer table is no longer ordered alphabetically by last name - instead it is organized by match rank. The search engine has a built in match ranking system that will rank your matches with the most likely match at the top and least likely matches further down to help you easily find which customer you are seeking.
Pro Tip: Enter partial names to see multiple customers with similar names. The more exact that you enter the search term the less customers that will be displayed.
Pro Tip: You should keep your favorite customer list at a minimum to keep things organized and to make it easier for you to find those customers. If you favorite all customers, then the favorites filter will be no different than your full customer list (even though, we all know that all of the customers are really your favorites! )