Customer Details
Clicking on any customer will display the customer details with more detailed information about the customer that you have selected.
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Clicking on any customer will display the customer details with more detailed information about the customer that you have selected.
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The default screen when you click on any customer is the 'Customer Details' screen, which will display all of the contact information for the customer. These are the details that were entered at the time of customer creation.
At the top of the customer details page, there is a persistent window that will be displayed across all of the customer tabs. This is known as the 'Customer 360' because it will give you a quick view of the customer at all times while you are viewing the customer.
In the Customer 360, you can view the following elements:
Customer name
Action Buttons
Favorite Button - when this button is clicked the customer is added to your favorite customer list and can be found under the favorite customer list, in addition, to the all customers list.
Flag - You can add a flag to a customer to help you keep track of important things for the selected customer. The flag button will open a popup that will allow you to specify the flag reason, which will then show on the main client list when the flag is hovered. The flag is particularly useful if you have something important that you need to remember about the customer or if you want other employees/users of your system to be aware of something for the customer, as well.
Email/Note - Clicking on this button will allow you to send an email to the customer from within the application. This will show that the email came from your email address, but it can be sent within the application instead of leaving to go to a separate email client. Any emails that are sent are automatically logged in the notes section, as well, for the customer. Obviously, if a customer does not have an email address on file, you will not be able to email them, so instead a Notes button is shown instead for those customers. This will allow you to add a note for the customer, but no email will be sent.
Open Projects - this number displays the number of projects that are in any status, but not marked as 'Delivered'.
Open Invoices - this number displays the number of invoices that are not paid in full for the customer.
Files - this number displays the number of files that are attached to this particular customer. Files could be project files or any file that you uploaded and attached to the customer, such as contracts, saved quotes, invoices, etc.
You can add tasks for a customer on the Customer Details screen. The task list will allow you to add an infinite number of tasks for the customer and then allow you to mark those tasks complete. This feature will be especially useful for teams who may have multiple employees working with a customer to ensure that there is no duplication and wasted time when other employees may have already completed a task.
Once a task is completed, you can simply click the checkbox in front of the item to mark it as complete. Once it is complete, the item will be scratched out to show that it is completed.
Tasks can be edited or deleted by clicking the appropriate icon next to the task. Deleting the task will permanently delete it from the customer. Clicking the edit button will open up an input that will allow you to edit the task. Once you have edited the task, you will click the green checkbox to save the changes.
The task list will only show the tasks that were created today. If you have an incomplete task for a customer, you can view those on the dashboard.
The customer projects tab will show you any projects that are associated with the selected customer. From this screen, you will quickly be able to see the project title, the project number (automatically assigned), the project description, the date that the project was delivered to the customer, and the current status of the project.
You can only create new projects from the customer details screen by clicking on the 'Add Project' button. This will instantly add a new project for the customer and bring up the window to edit the newly created project by specifying the various options.
The edit project window will allow you to:
Set a due date
Add an attachment or link
Delete the project
Enter a project title
Enter a project description
Set a cover photo (only when an image is attached to the project)
Creating a new project will automatically add a folder in the customer's files. The folder will contain any uploaded files to help you keep project files organized easily.
Simply click on any project in the customer's list to bring up the edit project window.
The edit project window will allow you to:
Set a due date
Add an attachment or link
Delete the project
Enter a project title
Enter a project description
Set a cover photo (only when an image is attached to the project)
When you select any single project or several projects, you will see a menu appear on the right hand side of the screen under the 'Add Project' button. Clicking on the menu will bring up the Project Options menu.
The project options menu will allow you to:
Mark as Delivered - this will allow you mark selected projects as delivered. A delivered product will be shown as the status of 'Delivered', be removed from the Kanban project board, and will update your counts of open projects throughout the system.
Mark as Undelivered - this will allow you to change the status of any 'Delivered' project back to an undelivered state. This will automatically revert the selected projects back to the status that they were in prior to being delivered.
Delete - this will delete the selected projects.
Warning: Deleting a project will remove all associated files and links for the project as well.
The customer invoices tab will show you any invoices that are associated with the selected customer. From this screen, you will quickly be able to see the status of any of the customer's invoices, the due date for the invoice, the invoice number, the total amount of the invoice, and the remaining balance due.
Pro Tip: If you prefer to see the invoices displayed as a list in a table versus the card layout, you can select this setting under the 'Settings' button in the 'Owner dashboard'. Simply change the Default List Style from Card to List. This will display all lists in this format versus the card layout.
Clicking on any of the customer's invoices will display the invoice details functionality.
Clientl contains a powerful files repository for each customer. The files area will allow you to store any file type of the customer, including receipts, saved quotes, other documents for the customer, etc. In addition, any uploaded projects files will be seen in this areas.
When a new project is created, a folder is automatically added that contains the project number. Any files that you upload to project will automatically be stored in the appropriate folder to help you keep the files section for each customer organized in the most automated way possible. You can also create custom folders to store additional files that may be specific to your business type and needs.
The files area contains the following features:
Recent Files - this section shows any files that have recently been opened. To open a file double click on the file and it will open in a new window.
Folders - folders will show all folders that have been created by you or automatically created for each project.
Files - the files section (not shown above) will show files that are not associated with any folder
To add a custom folder, simply click on the 'Add Folder' button and a window will pop up that will allow you to specify the folder name.
You can upload files through the file uploader. The uploader will allow you to select the appropriate folder, or select none at all, and then browse your computer for the file.
Pro Tip: You can only upload files into folders that you have created. Project files and folders are modified and stored automatically when files are uploaded and deleted from a project using the 'Edit Project' window.
The customer screen will allow you to view and add notes about the customer. Notes that are added in this section are cannot be viewed by the customer, they are only viewed by you and your created users.
Pro Tip: Some customer notes are stored automatically, so that you do not have to worry about adding them to the notes. For instance, any email sent to the customer is automatically added to the customer notes, so that you can see what emails have been sent to the customer. If you do not want emails stored, you can always delete any note from the notes screen.
From the notes screen, you can perform the following actions with the notes:
View the note creator, note creation timestamp, and the note text
Edit the note text
Delete the note